Tag Archives: smile

From Peta: Bunnies drowned at Petland on purpose.


People… this sickens me to the core.  What is wrong with people?  WARNING… the following article contains a disturbing image.  Please write Petland (info in article for this) and tell them what you think.  Some girl who works there drowned two little bunnies, then poses SMILING for the camera (held so graciously by her MANAGER) as she holds the poor dead bunnies up.  I am disgusted by this.

Warning: disturbing image.

Drowned rabbits

This photo was taken in the back room of a Petland store in Akron, Ohio, and posted on Facebook by Elizabeth Carlisle, who can be seen grinning as she holds two dead, soaking-wet rabbits by the scruff of the neck—rabbits she just drowned while on Petland’s time clock. On Carlisle’s Facebook page, she confirmed a friend’s guess that she had drowned these two rabbits and wrote, “[T]he manager took the pic for me. [S]he reminded me that there were people outside as [I] was swearing at them to just hurry up and die but then she was so kind as to take this picture.”

These horrific deaths followed what was apparently an equally horrifying life for these rabbits. Other comments Carlisle posted made it clear that the rabbits were drowned after sustaining agonizing injuries when they were allowed to “attack and eat each other.” The rabbits suffered from “deep wounds all over,” “an eye missing,” what Petland staff “suspected was a broken jaw,” and paralysis from the waist down—injuries that would not have occurred had these animals been provided with proper care and supervision.

Undercover investigations have revealed time and time again that companies that breed and sell animals are concerned about profits, not animals’ well-being. We are urging Petland to think long and hard about what this incident makes clear: The company has no business selling any animals.

To prevent future incidents like this one, please, never buy from pet stores and urge Petland at the very least to stop selling rabbits.

Posted by Liz Graffeo

Beautiful Day!


I love those kinds of days – don’t you?  As I sit here, listening to my beloved 80’s music… windows wide open so that AWESOME spring breeze can blow right in… yummy cup of home-made cappucino in my favorite coffee cup and thinking of planting my sunflowers later… I just can’t help but think what a gift it is… a real, precious gift… this gift of life we’ve been given.

Gorgeous Day! Pic taken by me

Gorgeous Day! Pic taken by me

Sure… sometimes, life throws a real kicker our way.  There’s no denying that!  But Jesus spoke some words in the bible that come to my mind during those dark moments, and I have had my share.  “This too shall pass.”  He didn’t mean it necessarily in the same context… but it is an answer that helps me and maybe will help you too, if you’re going through one of those dark times… if the storm clouds in life are getting in the way of the sunlight you are desperately looking for.  Never make a permanent or lasting decision… of any sort… based on a temporary situation.  Because this too shall pass.  Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth… turn on your favorite song loud enough to drown out the noise around you… and wait it out. Much like waiting for the flu to leave.  It seems like it takes forever… but one day… it leaves.  After all the achey, yucky, bad feelings, medicines, and high fevers… when you least expect it… suddenly, you start to feel normal again…  one morning you wake up… and you just feel like the fog has finally lifted.  You don’t know exactly when, and couldn’t say the time of day or night it happened… you just know that it did.

And then… life is even sweeter than it ever seemed before.  Because… in spite of the hardship…  sadness… tears…. the sun still shines.  The flowers still bloom.  That cute little squirrel still scampers across your electric lines.  Life still happens.

And therein, is the beauty.  The gift.  :)

You’ll have to forgive me for waxing a bit philosophical today – but hey, I’m a poet!  It’s just what we do. ;) hehe

Here’s hoping you have a beautiful and sunshiney day!  Let the wind blow and breathe in deeply… savor every moment.

Cherish the ordinary days – because those are the truly extraordinary days.  *smile*