Tag Archives: race

UFO Secrets of the Govt. Video – Sgt. Clifford Stone


Hidden histories and secrets… Project Camelot interviews retired Sgt. Clifford Stone.




I woke up this morning with this word in my heart, hearing it in my mind.  And what a beautiful word it is!  Translated it means “The light within me honors the light within you.”  It is a beautiful expression of respect.  If we all honored each other in this way… realized that we each have a little spark of God in us, I believe that is where our spirits are from!… what a world of difference it could make in how we treat each other… in how we treat all life.  If we see the Master, God, in all we do… everyone we speak to… every form of life… and realize it is not ours to do with as we will, but to honor, respect, nurture, appreciate, and love in a kind and honorable way… it would change us from the inside out.  Every problem in this world can be brought to this in its simplicity… a lack of respect.  Lack of respect for creation… lack of respect for human beings, our brothers and sisters regardless of color, race, gender, ethnicity, religion… lack of respect for the precious little animals that go about their daily routines… lack of respect for this beautiful world that God has allowed us to live on… lack of respect for all life.

Lack of respect for God.

We must learn to respect life… not look down on anything, any creature, any one… just because they do not agree with us or have the same beliefs.  We are not less than a person just because we have different ideas.  We should not treat others as less than a person because they dress differently or look differently or sound differently.  We are each unique individuals, handcrafted by God and animated with God’s own breath of life, the spirit he has given us.  We have our own thoughts, memories, experiences, that make us who we are.  Yes, I am different from you.  You are different from me.  I hope so!!  Otherwise there’s a cookie cutter here somewhere… and that’s not something I ever want to be.  A cookie cutter person.  I am me.  And God loves me, and you too.

This beautiful word… Namaste… brings to mind the serenity and simplicity, of simply saying that the little spark of God in me, honors the little spark of God in you.  What a beautiful way to view life.

It starts with me and you.


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